Disobey the rules will be the Loser.
It is only a GAME.
Working for Fun.
Take it easy.
It is only a GAME.
Working for Fun.
Take it easy.
This is my working environment.
I found that my brain is under control of someone.
What i replied is not what i want.
Yet, that is the instruction from my boss which i have to follow.
Despite, the action is damn idiot, the thinking is not logical and even ridiculous but i have to do it.
On the other side who viewing the email, i surely confirm they thought i am Crazy definitely.
I had tried to convince my boss, but he doesn't ever listen it. Conversely, he fully confidence that he is right! That is a necessary. In fact, it serves no purpose. Although, that is not under our In a result, Nike's Slogan is my working spirit now~"JUST DO IT".
No matter how stupid or ridiculous, my boss does not seem care about it. Cos he is not the person who reply on it, my dear boss.
I try to change the environment cos i don't want to be the person who doesn't use the brain to think but just do it. Unfortunately, i failed myself. Whoever try to argue who will be the loser. .etc and at the end , you are always no choice but JUST DO IT. Besides, you even loss of impression, loss in public relation etc.
The slogan always in my mind, "JUST DO IT".
My life will be easier and happier.
Yeah~Here is a heaven for working with joyful and relax but here isn't a stage for improving. This is not a good place for staying longer. Here is the hell for future. JUST DO IT!!!
I found that my brain is under control of someone.
What i replied is not what i want.
Yet, that is the instruction from my boss which i have to follow.
Despite, the action is damn idiot, the thinking is not logical and even ridiculous but i have to do it.
On the other side who viewing the email, i surely confirm they thought i am Crazy definitely.
I had tried to convince my boss, but he doesn't ever listen it. Conversely, he fully confidence that he is right! That is a necessary. In fact, it serves no purpose. Although, that is not under our In a result, Nike's Slogan is my working spirit now~"JUST DO IT".
No matter how stupid or ridiculous, my boss does not seem care about it. Cos he is not the person who reply on it, my dear boss.
I try to change the environment cos i don't want to be the person who doesn't use the brain to think but just do it. Unfortunately, i failed myself. Whoever try to argue who will be the loser. .etc and at the end , you are always no choice but JUST DO IT. Besides, you even loss of impression, loss in public relation etc.

My life will be easier and happier.
Yeah~Here is a heaven for working with joyful and relax but here isn't a stage for improving. This is not a good place for staying longer. Here is the hell for future. JUST DO IT!!!