
Route 66 Club Bangkok

Last Saturday, we planned to go Bed SuperClub again since last time failed to enter due to disallow short pants entry. But after checking with the website, the expense is also too high that is at least 800 bath for cover charges. So, we have to gave up to this amazing club. It is installed in a giant tube with a white decor.
Instead, we went to "Route 66" where is situated in the RCA (Royal City Avenue) which is a long street where clubs can be found left and right. The best way to get there is by Taxi. Mostly all of them know where RCA is.

To be a bit more precise, RCA is located in Rama 9 (in Thai “Praram 9”) and is not far away from Ratchada. It will take about 10 minutes to get there by Taxi from the city center. Once you have arrived at the RCA entrance all that remains is to walk down the road.

Route 66 is probably the most famous and beloved club amongst Thais and Foreigners in Bangkok. It features three separate sections in which different type of music is played. The first section, called “Route West” plays Techno / Trance Music (The Novel). Moving along a bit further you will find Thai Pop (Facet Level) and going towards the end you will hear American Hip Hop beats (The Level).

Most popular is the Hip Hop Section, which gets filled fast and to ensure a good table it is advised to arrive early (10 pm weekdays, 9 pm weekends).
Hip Hop songs are very popular amongst the (younger) Thai people and you will be hearing it in nearly any club you go.

Before gone in, we had to show our ID/ Passport to the staff and paid THB 200 afterward. At the first, i thought that is an entrance fees. Yet, a voucher of THB 200 was given which is the minimum expense here.

I was surprised that all the guide and even waiter/waitress wear the police uniform. It is no doubt that it causes the environment more secure and discipline. Fortunately, my friend who wore short pant was allowed to entry although the requirement of the website requires long pant for men. God Bless Us :)

Everybody, Let me bring you all to discover the Route 66 club.

Do you know where is it or what is that? Yeah~It is a female restroom which is the north part of Route 66 club. It is absolutely pretty gorgeous and fantastic.I have really impressed of such huge space is spared for this luxurious restroom. Unless i am mistaken, these are divided to 3 parts which are toilet room, sofa for rest room and dresser for make up. I think the sofa area probably is provided for the customer lay down especially who are drunk. The idea is quite thoughtful for customers. Besides, it is also a most quiet and best shooting place. There are many pretties "SS" inside with attractive posts.

Yeah!!! That is no doubt that it is toilet of guy. I was not drunk and no brave enough to go in to capture it. I have no comment for male toilet. This need you all guys to rate it. Hehe!

Next, let us move forward a bit to the east part that is section "The Novel". That is a band with a singer to play the Trance and Techno music to cheer all up.

I think normally one table could be served 2-6 people. And the images showed that is not a peak season. If that is peak season like Friday or Saturday, all the chairs would be moved out. then, you could see all people surrounds to the tables for drinking and dancing. That would be very crowded and even hardly squeeze through it.

Yeah~ These only is the normal situation. That is the crazy party is going on here.

On the way to go the Thai Music, i surprisingly found that cyberspace in a corridor. I feel that is pretty considerate services especially for foreigners. They could upload photos directly to Facebook or Twitter.

Following enter to the Thai Music Box. There are not much people among those 3 sections.
Yeah, let us going toward to the end of the section. Here are totally high. The music is super BOMBA Stick. The famous DJ are invited for the music fun. Here are the most full area.

I were standing behind the bar while i was thinking that are all of them really like to dance and drink? Either they are very pressure or they absolutely enjoy the life like this. From a point of economic, that is related to theory of supply and demand. Most of the guys are looking pretty or sexy girls. That is a mystery, it would existed a lot of girls enjoy to show them up. Do you agree it? Is it because lonely?

I was not going with Clubbing kaki, they didn't dance and drink. Exactly to say, they are not willing to pay due to price is unworthy. So we just ordered an alcohol within the price THB200.
And, this was the drink accompanied me a whole night-Cocktails Kamikaze (THB180). The taste is quite good. I like it. It contains ingredients as below:
  • 1 1/2 oz vodka
  • 1 oz lime juice
  • 1 oz triple sec
  • lime wedge for garnish
(The next day, i was freezing and headache a whole day after a cup of Kamikaze. Are you think either is the cocktail too strong or am i too poor in drinking alcohol?)

Then, we were only sitting at outside of the bar to enjoy the cocktail and keep observing life of them for the whole night. Frankly to say, that is not fun if you are going with the gang who are not crazy. You have to know that your heart was easily pulsing damn fast according to the BOMBA stick music after a cup of alcohol. However, you have to control yourself to get high.
At least playingn some games. Worst of all, we didn't have interaction even. What the hell?

By the way, it could not be denied that the club environment is pretty fantastic and amazing. For the clubbing kaki, i think here would bring a lot of fun and be their heaven. If honey or CS come to Thailand, i sure will recommend here to them since the minimum price is not high.

I am enjoying my life to keep explore the new things. :)













在这科技日新月异的e-时代,手机不断推陈出新。银幕从黑白,到彩色;功能 从只可以拨打电话,发送信息,到可以拍摄、MP3MP4,甚至到现在一键上网的快捷性功能的Smart Phone;外形从以前的水壶型的大哥大到微型手机,到折叠机。倒推机,到360度旋转手机,到现在IPhone ,Blueberry ,甚至HTC的智慧型手机。从基本性到多元化功能的方便性,让你只需随带一个微型手机就可以放下MP3/MP4、相机、电脑等,潇洒的出门。手机也已经成为男女老少的必需品之一。

为了迎合更多的口味, 层出不穷的多样式手机,更是让追风迷厚了脸皮,薄了钱包。据闻最近,最风靡的IPhone4已推出,追风迷更是连夜不眠的排队,为了第一时间拥有它。如此疯狂!或许这已经潜移默化的成了手机顾客的基本条件。这证明了一个国家的购买能力加强了?还是 生活水准提高了? 抑或这就是科技发达的体现?

偏偏在这2千年,我不但没带黑莓,也没拿IPhone。反而正是拿一个没有相机,没有MP3,没有video,更不用说built in Memory;只有发送信息及打电话的最基本功能,而我最常用的却是闹钟。但外形还是挺不错,娇小玲珑,彩色银幕,折叠型的Samsung E-1150.


一打开里面,银幕不大,用惯IPone 的人一定嫌它太小。怎么现在还有人用这款手机呀? 或许你说我落后,我不在乎。我的承认我不时追风迷。我只求手机最原始的基本功能,能拨电话,既能传送信息就足够了。


若非我Sony Erisson K800i真的修得无药可救了,我也非不会买下它。SE K800i酷炫的黑色外壳,彩色萤幕,高色素的照相,3G

从我哥哥那拿来,二手的它跟随我大约三年了,里头有很多回忆(信息、相片、陪伴我的歌曲)。但从它落在我手后, 我就带它进厂无数次。也可说是从里到外,脱胎换骨的全修过一遍。从外壳、到键盘、再到joystick、到内进水、到speaker;换了电池、到不能充电 ,直到对方听不到我的声音。我不得舍弃它的取新换旧。现在他还呆在我身边,有空翻翻通讯录,照片,信息,听听歌。。。感觉总想回到过去。

话好像扯远了。只是想大家更进我的近况,并告诉大家,在这发展迅速是时代,我却倒退的拿着一个过时的手机,我落后了。但又怎样,生活依旧。别担心,你不会因为追不上潮流 而被淘汰,被淘汰不是人,是电话。人永远都是主宰者。相反的,没有顶尖的手机,你不需太依赖它的方便 ,而潜移默化的染上网络成瘾症,整天都在浏览非试不可,换来的却是一事无成。不但挥洒遂岁月,结账时更是有种非死不可的痛恨。这就是目前潮流的趋 势。我宁可回去落后的时代,你讥笑我也好,看不起我也罢。反正我又不会被淘汰,被淘汰是电话。大家请勿盲目的追求奢侈的物资享受,短暂的爱慕虚荣了。 各位,请三思,而后行。